Are you transgender?

How do you know if you’re transgender? For some it’s as clear as can be. For others it’s not so simple. Ultimately, you’re the only one who knows what you are, however difficult it is to categorize.

Here’s how to find out: tips

Trust your feelings and allow yourself the time to find out.

  • Find information about transgender and gender dysphoria or gender incongruence on the internet.
  • Read personal experiences of young transgender people or watch videos.
  • Seek contact with young trans people and talk about it.
  • Talk about it with someone you trust. That could be a friend, a teacher, a nurse or a doctor for example.

Others like you

Maybe you think you’re the only one, but that’s not true! Look for and get in touch with other transgender people, this is made easier via online connections. This is the way to find out who you are, and what you need. And you won’t feel quite so ‘different’.

Telling people

It can be good to tell someone you are transgender or think you might be. That may be your parents, your friends, someone you trust, or a professional like a doctor or nurse. You can tell them your story. They can guide you when you are ready to tell your parents, family or friends or refer you to someone who can offer further advice and support.


When you start living ‘in’ the gender you feel comfortable with, this is called: transitioning. You start to live according to how you feel: as a woman, a man, something in between or outside of the two. Not all transgender people want to transition. Find out what best suits you, and what your needs are.

Transition process

This is what you can do while you are transitioning:

  • Ask people around you to call you ‘he’ or ‘she’ when you’ve decided how you want them to refer to you. Maybe you don’t want them to use either.
  • Choose a new name.
  • Change your appearance, for example with clothing, make up, hairstyle.
  • You may want to take hormones and have surgery to change your body. Speak to your doctor about this.

Gender reassignment

Maybe you have a deep-seated wish to change your body with hormones and surgery. This is called gender reassignment surgery. This is not only about your genitals, but may include hair growth, your voice and your fat distribution. Discuss your options with your doctor.

Want to talk or need help?

Do you have transgender feelings? Talking about it is a relief! Perhaps with your parents or someone you know, with other young transgender people or with a trusted professional like a doctor or nurse.